All Publications


-Dagoumas A and M. Charokopos 2016, “Gazprom’s strategy: Natural resources as foreign policy tool”, Geopolitics of Energy, Vol. 38, Issue 7, pp. 14-24

-Koltsaklis N., A Dagoumas, G. Georgiadis, G. Papaioannou and C. Dikaiakos, 2016, “A mid-term hybrid energy planning and unit commitment problem to optimally assess the impact of electric interconnections”, Applied Energy, Vol. 179, pp. 17-35

-Panapakidis I. and A. Dagoumas, 2016, “Day-ahead electricity price forecasting via the application of artificial neural network based models”, Applied Energy, Vol.172, pp. 132–151

-Flouros F. and A. Dagoumas, 2016, “Identifying Critical Success Factors that Positively Affect Cyprus-Turkey Relations in the Case of Hydrocarbon Exploration in Cyprus’ Exclusive Economic Zone”, Geopolitics of Energy, Vol. 38, Issue 2, pp. 5. Koltsaklis N.E., A.S. Dagoumas, G.M. Kopanos, E.N. Pistikopoulos and M.C. Georgiadis, 2014, “A Spatial Multi-period Long-term Energy Planning Model”, Applied Energy, Vol. 115, pp.456-482



-Dagoumas A. and F. Kitsios, 2014, “Assessing the impact of the economic crisis on energy poverty in Greece”, Sustainable Cities and Society, Special Issue on Energy Poverty in Cities and Urban Settlements, Vol. 13, pp. 267-278

-Dagoumas A., 2014, “Modelling socio-economic and energy aspects of urban systems”, Sustainable Cities and Society, Special Issue on Energy Poverty in Cities and Urban Settlements, Vol. 13, pp. 196-206


-Polemis M. and A. Dagoumas, 2013, “The Electricity Consumption and Economic Growth Nexus: Evidence from Greece”, Energy Policy, Vol. 62, pp. 798-808

-Dagoumas A., 2013, “Producing a Double Dividend for the EU-27 and USA with the Macro-Economic E4M-GAIA Model: Meeting G8 80% Emissions Reduction Target Leads to Economic Growth”, Low Carbon Economy, Vol. 4, pp. 51-62



-Walsh C.L., Dawson R.J., Hall J.W., Barr S.L., Batty M., Bristow A.L., Carney S., Dagoumas A., Ford A.C., Harpham C., Tight M.R., Watters H. and Zanni A., 2011, “Assessment of climate change mitigation & adaptation in cities”, ICE – Urban Design and Planning, Vol.164, Issue 2, pp. 75-84.

2010 and older

-Dagoumas A. and T. Barker, 2010, “Pathways to a Low-Carbon Economy for the UK with the macro-econometric E3MG model”, Energy Policy, Vol. 38, Issue 6, pp. 3067-3077.

-Barker T. and A. Dagoumas, 2009, “The macroeconomic rebound effect from the implementation of energy efficiency policies at global level”, Euro-Asian journal of Sustainable Energy Development, Vol. 1, Issue 3

-Barker T., A. Dagoumas and J. Rubin, 2009, “The macroeconomic rebound effect and the world economy”, Energy Efficiency, Vol. 2, Issue 4, pp. 411-427

-Dagoumas A.S., I.P. Panapakidis, G.K. Papagiannis, P.S. Dokopoulos, 2008, “Post-Kyoto energy consumption strategies of the Greek interconnected electric system”, Energy Policy, Vol. 36, Issue 6, pp. 1980-1999

-Papagiannis G., A. Dagoumas, N. Lettas, P. Dokopoulos, 2008, “Economical and environmental impacts of the implementation of an intelligent electrical energy consumption management system at the European level”, Energy Policy, Vol.36, Issue 1, pp. 163-180

-Dagoumas A.S., E. Kalaitzakis, G.K. Papagiannis, P.S. Dokopoulos, 2007, “A post-Kyoto analysis of the Greek electric sector”, Energy Policy, Vol. 35, Issue 3, pp. 1551-1563

-Dagoumas A.S., G.K. Papagiannis, P.S. Dokopoulos, 2006, “An economic assessment of the Kyoto Protocol application”, Energy Policy, Vol. 26, Issue 1, pp. 26-39